Friday, June 17, 2005

Adventures of the week

Last week seemed to go fast, but we didn't have as many activities as usual. On Tuesday, my two neices came over to play with Roland while his mom was at work. They all had a fun time and I had them make sugar cookies and ice them with sugar. They thought it was fun and they got to take their edible craft home with them. (No I didn't load them up on sugar before they left!) Wednesday, was one of my normal days when I watch Ben and Sarah. That morning was the usual, walk to the school to take Sarah to summer school, then walk and pick her up. Then right before 2pm, we walk to the library for the summer reading club program they have for kids. They seem like the like the program, and I'm sure they enjoy getting out of the house. It was awfully hot on Wednesday, but there are only 2 more sessions of the program for this summer. When Jakob gets older, I will enroll him in their Toddler Time. It's in the mornings and they read to the kids and it is free too. I think they have to be 2 for that. Thursday, Sarah woke up with a really bad crich in her neck. Amy (her mom) took her to the doctor and found out it was only a crich, but the poor thing was still hurting today (Friday). I sure hope she starts feeling better. Roland, Jakob, and I went to Target and Best Buy this afternoon to get Jeff his father's day gifts. We bought him a shirt that said, "I'm right, your wrong. Any Questions?" with the picture of Grumpy of the Seven Dwarves on it. It was cute, and he smiled big when we showed it to him. We also ran into Best Buy to pick up the Season 2 of Smallville. He really likes the season and went through Season 1 in a weekend! (He watched a bunch that weekend!)

I started my new class and it's going good. It is slightly different currently than Biology. More analytical in certain things, but I will feel better after I know what I got on something I have already submitted. I also tend to worry, when I probably shouldn't. I'm in a great mood right now though because I took Quiz 6 in Biology and made a 90%! It's my highest grade for a test in the class. 2 people have finished the class early today and will get 100 extra points on their grade. At the rate I'm going on quizzes and labs, I currently have a high A without extra credit. However, I'm going to finish Labs 9 and 10 over the weekend plus another quiz to get me ahead so I can focus on the new Child Development class. It would be nice to finish Biology in a couple weeks. Think I might try for that...I have to finish my science experiment, but I could finish early if I try. I'm excited about August! I will have a break from studying stuff! I would like to paint Jakob's room, but I don't know what colors and I would HAVE to do it in August or wait until next year when I don't have school.

Jakob started eating food as I have mentioned. So far he does like the green beans, but seems to enjoy everything else he has tried. He likes rice cearel, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, and apple sauce. While at Target today, I picked up some 2nd foods and got some meats and other things we saw that we thought he'd eat.

Oh, and Jakob got some of those swimming diapers and is now wearing more clothes that are in 6-9 months! He's getting so big.

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