Friday, June 09, 2017

Summer Adventures: Rain and Cleaning

This morning, rain moved our area starting shortly after 5AM.  My alarm was set for 5AM and our yellow labrador normally will bark shortly after Jeff leaves for work letting me know she is ready to go outside.  Around 6AM, we had lightning and thunder almost simultaneously which caused a power blip to the house along with waking Ashlyn.  She actually also woke up Jakob since his room is next to her.  I helped calm Ashlyn while Jakob went back to bed.

Shortly after 7AM, Jakob tells me something is wrong with their toilet and that it is clogged!  As I enter the bathroom, I realize there is water all over the floor and it was still running.  I attempt to unclog it since I figured that was the first culprit and opened the lid to check the flapper which I found up allowing water to continue to run and not feel up the tank.  Once that is finished, the continued running water stopped and we began cleaning up the bathroom.  Figured I might as well clean the bathtub while I cleaned up the rest.  Bathroom rugs were washed and dried.  Jakob cleaned up the counters and the mirror.

Before this happened, I think, I had heated up frozen waffles for the kids and myself.  Since I figured it was not enough food especially for Jakob, I figured I would heat up scrambled eggs for Ashlyn and make a quick breakfast burrito for Jakob.  As I opened the egg carton, somehow I dropped an egg on the floor.  I mopped the day before!

Growing up, normally when it rained, we cleaned.  So that is what we did this morning!  I found the following chore charts on Pinterest this morning and printed which surprisingly, the kids actually enjoyed since it was new!  Find the different free chore charts on her website.

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