Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Journal: Week of May 20, 2024

Ashlyn earned her Star rank with BSA Scouts on Monday, May 20, 2024.  She is getting one step closer to Eagle!  Jakob earned his Eagle rank about the week before he turned 17.  Her current goal is to beat him by earning Eagle before the time he earned his rank.  However, only time will tell though.  She still has a bunch of Eagle required merit badges to complete.  Back in January, she switched troops to an all-girl backpacking troop and has been extremely happy with the challenges along with the other girls in the troop.

We finished off the last day of the 2023-2024 school this past Friday.  It was a busy school year as always.  Ashlyn finished off her 7th grade school year.  I finished my 15th year teaching.  In the past fifteen years, I have taught 7th grade math, 7th honors math, 8th grade math, and Algebra on my campus.  

Part of our check-out for the end of the school year was to put our big tables in the hallway.  My room is changing next year.  I will be downstairs and I will have windows!  I am excited about having windows again.  It has been quite some time since I have had windows, so I am looking forward to it.  Prior to leaving last Friday, I was able to pack everything up and store most of it in my classroom along with the math closet.  After our school finishes with all the cleaning, I will work towards moving everything to my new classroom when we return for the next school year.

My Side Stitch Creations EtsyShop is slowly picking back up which is fantastic.  Last week, new pen holders and a keyfob shipped out to North Carolina and Illinois.

Jakob started back to lifeguarding again this summer.  He appreciates the hourly pay rate and really likes the management team where he is currently lifeguarding.  He completed his first year at college and did well overall for his first year away at college.  Thankfully, due to his scholarship, he was able to live on campus.  This past spring break, we found him a fully furnished student housing apartment where he will live for his next school year.  I know he will appreciate having a private room and private bathroom.  He will have a shared living room and kitchen area with one other student.

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