3 - Meets Expectations (Consistently demonstrates proficient understanding and applies skills independently with minimal teacher support.)
2 - Making Progress (Demonstrates initial stages of understanding; applies skills but requires teacher intervention or reinforcement.)
1 - Insufficient Progress (Demonstrates a lack of understanding; difficulty accomplishing grade level tasks; reteaching consistently required.)
Language Arts:
- Uses strategies to comprehend a variety of texts - 3
- Uses the writing process to compose a variety of texts - 2
- Plans, conducts, and presents research - 2
- Listens attentively - 2
- Communicates ideas, experiences, and needs using academic language - 3
(Completed during Beginning of the Year)
- Letter Identification - 3
- Letter Sounds - 3
- Word List - 3
- Concepts about Print - 3
- Phonological Awareness - 2
- Writing Samples - 2
- Dictation - 1
- Independent Reading - 2
- Student Guided Reading Level - C (District recommends to be at a Level D.)
- Student Uses Strategies to Comprehend Guided Reading Text - 3
- Observe and record properties of objects (able to identify size, mass, shape, color, texture) - 3
- Differentiate between living and nonliving based upon whether they have basic needs - 3
- Identify basic needs of animals - 3
- Compare and sort rocks by size, shape, color, and texture - 3
- Give examples of ways rocks, soil, and water are useful - 3
- Identify parts of plants (including roots, stem, leaf, flower) - 3
- Identify the basic needs of plants (including air, water, nutrients, sunlight, and space) - 3
- Identify the simple life cycle of a plant - 3
- Explain why people have jobs - 2
- Identify purposes for having rules (including rules for order, security, and safety) - 2
- Identify authority figures in home, school, and community (able to identify school, home; not able to identify community) - 3
- Explain the reasons for national patriotic holidays - 2
- Place events in chronological order using vocabulary related to time and chronology, (including before, after, next, first, and last) - 3
- Identify the flags of the United States and Texas - 3
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance - 2
- Identify the physical characteristics of places (including mountains, prairies, pond, and river) - 2
- Identify the contributions of historical figures (including George Washington and Stephen F. Austin) - 1
- 2-D Geometric figures (be able to identify, describe, and compare) - 3
- Position and Location - 3
- 3-D Geometric figures (be able to identify, describe, and compare) - 3
- Describe relative sizes of concrete sets (compare) - 3
- Name ordinal positions (first, second, third, etc) - 3
- Count by 1's to 100 - 2
- Compare objects (length, area, capacity, weight/mass, duration of time, temperature) - 3
- Identify, extend, and create patterns - 3
- Models and reates addititon and stubraction - 3
- Reads a calendar (including days, weeks, months) - 3
- Constructs graphs and answer questions - 2
- Task 1: Counting Objects (Keeps track while counting accurately, remembers how many) - 3
- Task 2: Counting out a particular quantity (Counts up to a particular quantity) - 2
- Task 3: One more/One less - 2
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