Monday, November 22, 2010

Santa Claus Pictures

Today, Jakob and I went to visit Santa Claus.  After getting home, it was too hard not to look back at the other pictures and see how much everyone has grown.

Roland (9 years old) and Jakob (10 months old). Our neighbor, Sarah (6 years old), joined the boys this year and had her picture with us too.

Jakob (almost 2 years old)
I love this picture and remember right after he took it I was so sad because Jakob was so sad.  I had debated about buying it, but then knew I would want to have it to look back on.  It's now one of my favorites as he was surely thinking, "Mom why are you leaving me with him?"  He has a slight tear on his cheek and he toughed it out for a picture.
Roland (11 years old) and Jakob (almost 3 years old)
After this picture was finished, I realized what Jakob was upset about.  Around this time period, Jakob started carrying a bunny rabbit all over the place and he wanted it from the stroller!

Jakob (almost 4 years old)
This was the year I decided to schedule last minute pictures of Roland and Jakob on the day before Thanksgiving!  It was a crazy idea and sure learned my lesson, but was so impressed how good both boys did that day and talk about some great pictures!

Jakob (almost 5 years old)

Jakob (almost 6 years old)
Now comparing all the years, it sure is hard to believe how much Jakob has grown.  Santa looks the same each year (except in year 2008).  He was quite proud to see Santa this year and read the letter to Santa that he wrote to Santa.  Santa said to put it under the Christmas tree so he would know what to leave.


  1. Jakob is so grown up now. My favorite photo is the last one. That's a real keeper--reading together his letter to Santa.

  2. Thanks Helene. He is getting so big becoming such the sweet young man.


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